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God called me into ministry not by drastic means or wondrous revelations, but by a slow persistent nudging. I was born and raised in a strong Christian family. My father and Grandfather were both Pastors, so I was raised in the church and in the faith. At a very young age I chose to follow Jesus Christ, and have spent most of my life figuring out what that means.

I was born in Alberta, but raised primarily in Quebec. Upon
completion of High School I headed to New Brunswick to attend an
English Bible College. My reasoning was simple; I didn't know what I
wanted to do with my life, but I did want to figure out what I
believed. My intent was only to spend a year doing that, however, as
I have since learnt, the more we learn, the more we realize how
little we know. I graduated from New Brunswick bible Institute in
Growing up in Quebec I had spent almost all my summers at Camp Livingstone, a C.S.S.M. camp. I love Bible Camp, and believe the opportunity presented in this ministry is incredible. In 1999 I re-entered the Bible Camp world, and became director of Sturgeon Lake Bible Camp in Northern Alberta. This was God's gentle nudging into full time ministry. The camp provided opportunity to minister in local churches, one of which asked me to come and candidate in the fall. They invited me to come on as Pastor, with the flexibility to allow me to direct camp during the summer. In 2000 I became Pastor of the Evangelical Baptist Church of McLennan. Over the next three years God took me out of the camp ministry, and immersed me fully in the church. The five years I spent in McLennan were some of the most formative and stretching years of my life. I am eternally grateful for the church's patience and longsuffering with me.
In 2004 I resigned from the church in McLennan, and took some time for myself. I wandered in Australia for a short period, and then tried several jobs back here in Alberta, just blowing with the wind. Even in that God was guiding my life. In 2007, when working in Lac La Biche, I met the beautiful lady who was to become my wife. We were married in 2008 in Peace River. We were both working secular jobs at the time, but knew that I was being called back into ministry. Opportunity for that arose with Nampa Gospel Fellowship in May of 2009, as pulpit supply. I continued with both my regular job and preaching until July of 2010 when the church asked me to come on as full time Pastor. God is leading and richly blessing as we follow His will.
Growing up in Quebec I had spent almost all my summers at Camp Livingstone, a C.S.S.M. camp. I love Bible Camp, and believe the opportunity presented in this ministry is incredible. In 1999 I re-entered the Bible Camp world, and became director of Sturgeon Lake Bible Camp in Northern Alberta. This was God's gentle nudging into full time ministry. The camp provided opportunity to minister in local churches, one of which asked me to come and candidate in the fall. They invited me to come on as Pastor, with the flexibility to allow me to direct camp during the summer. In 2000 I became Pastor of the Evangelical Baptist Church of McLennan. Over the next three years God took me out of the camp ministry, and immersed me fully in the church. The five years I spent in McLennan were some of the most formative and stretching years of my life. I am eternally grateful for the church's patience and longsuffering with me.
In 2004 I resigned from the church in McLennan, and took some time for myself. I wandered in Australia for a short period, and then tried several jobs back here in Alberta, just blowing with the wind. Even in that God was guiding my life. In 2007, when working in Lac La Biche, I met the beautiful lady who was to become my wife. We were married in 2008 in Peace River. We were both working secular jobs at the time, but knew that I was being called back into ministry. Opportunity for that arose with Nampa Gospel Fellowship in May of 2009, as pulpit supply. I continued with both my regular job and preaching until July of 2010 when the church asked me to come on as full time Pastor. God is leading and richly blessing as we follow His will.