Women's Ministry
The Women gather on a monthly basis throughout the year. To get involved please contact Wendi Deines at 780-322-2195
We also have a weekly Bible Study for women during the fall and winter. For more details please contact Cindy Leussink at 780-322-2339

Men's Ministry
The Men's meet for a Prayer breakfast every Saturday morning at the church at 7:00 AM. For more details please contact Les Hibbard at 780-322-3874

Youth Group
Every Friday night during the school season the youth come together for a time of fellowship and fun. For more details please contact Josh Vion at 780-322-2020

Vacation Bible School
Nampa Gospel fellowship hosts a five day club one week during the summer (usually the third week of July), for a time of learning, games, and crafts. For more information contact the church at 780 -322-3865.